biosphere - part of the surface occupied by living organisms., species - a group of living organisms, population - a group of organisms living in a certain area, community - a group of people living in the same place, ecology - how different organisms interact with each other , ecosystem - where all of the different organisms live, biome - a large place with flora and fauna , biotic factor - a living organism , abiotic factor - a non-living organism , autotroph - an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances, primary producer - an organism that makes its own food , photosynthesis - organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water, heterotroph - an organism uses its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances, consumer - an organism that eats another organism , carnivore - an animal that eats only meat , herbivore - an animal that eats only plants, scavenger - an animal that eats dead plants, omnivore - an animal that eats both plants and meat, decomposer - a bacteria or fungi that decompose organic material , food chain - organisms that rely on each other for food, food web - a system of interlocking food chains, biomass - the total amount of organisms living in an area, limiting factor - the total amount of organisms allowed in one area , habitat - where an organism lives, niche - a job in the ecosystem , competitive execution principal - when two organisms compete, predation - one organism preying on another, keystone species - a species in an ecosystem that the other species depend on, symbiosis - interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, mutualism - the symbiosis that is beneficial to both organisms involved,
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