have a sweet tooth - like eating sweets, bread and butter  - a job you do to get the money you need, the apple of my eye - the person that I like much, go bananas - to go crazy, be in a pickle - be in trouble, be nuts - be out of mind, a lemon - something that doesn't work, for peanuts - for a very small amount of money, not my cup of tea - something I don't like, a couch potato - a lazy person who likes watching TV, a big cheese - a big boss, a very important person, as cool as a cucumber - stays calm in stressful situations, egghead - a very intelligent person who likes studying, a hot potato - a question that is sensitive and very difficult to discuss, a hard nut to crack - a difficult task or a difficult person, a piece of cake - something that is very easy to do, butter someone up - to be extra nice with somebody, have egg on your face - feel stupid or embarrassed because of something you did,

Food idioms

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