I am better than he, You have created me of fire, while You created him of clay. - Shaitan, How is it that I do not see Hud Hud, or is he among the absentees? - Prophet Sulaiman, O my son! Surely I have seen in the dream that I should sacrifice you, so consider what you see. - Prophet Ibrahim, How will there be a son to me, while no man has yet touched me and I have not been unchaste? - Maryam, This is my staff, I lean on it and I beat down leaves with it for my sheep and I have in it other uses. - Prophet Musa, My Rabb! How will there be a boy to me, while my wife is barren and I have already grown frail from old age? - Prophet Zakariyyah, Go with this shirt of mine and shed it before my father's face, he will be able to see. And bring me your family all together. - Prophet Yusuf, I do not know for you and deity beside myself. Therefore, O Haman! Burn a kiln of bricks for me then build for me a tower so that I may rise towards the God. - Fir'awn, O Allah! Our Rabb! Send down upon us a Table Spread with food from Heaven that it may be to us an Eid for us and for the last of us. - Prophet Isa, You have adjudged me erring. I will certainly lie in ambush for them. - Iblis,

Who said 1?


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