1) You...go on the trip if I don't want to! a) can't make me b) won't let to c) don't allow me 2) Do you think they will ... come to the party? a) let you to b) let you c) made you 3) Taking up climbing really ... more confident. a) was made b) made me c) let me 4) My parents said I was too young, so they ... to the music festival. a) not allowed to go b) didn't let me go c) made me 5) We...look on the internet for ideas. a) let us b) were let c) were allowed to 6) My sister sometimes ... me borrow her clothes if she's feeling generous. a) lets b) allows c) makes 7) We...clear up all the mess ourselves. a) allowed to b) were let c) were made to 8) I ... use my dad's computer if I ask him first. a) am let to b) can to c) am allowed to

make/let/be allowed to - Intermediate

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