Positive (+1) - What is the charge of a proton?, negative (-1) - What is the charge of an electron?, 11 - How many protons are there in this sodium atom?, False - All atoms have the same number of protons and neutrons. True or false?, 4 - A neutral atom of Beryllium has __ electrons., -2 - An oxygen atom gains 2 electrons. What is its charge as an ion?, protons and neutrons - What determines the mass of a nucleus?, protons - Which subatomic particle determines the identity of an atom?, true - Both protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus., nucleus - Where are neutrons located?, electron cloud outside of nucleus - Where are electrons located?, Atomic number - Equals number of protons, zero - What is the charge of a neutron?, ion - When protons do not equal electrons, neutron number - change which form isotopes, one has 2 more neutrons - Oxygen - 16 and oxygen - 18 are different because, weighted average - isotopes cause the mass listed on the periodic table to be a,

Atoms, Ions, Isotopes

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