Air Pollution - The introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or microorganisms into the atmosphere at concentrations high enough to harm plants, animals, and materials such as buildings, or to alter ecosystems., Particulate matter (PM) - Solid or liquid particles suspended in air. (Also known as "particulates"; "particles."), Haze - Reduced visibility., Photochemical oxidant - A class of air pollutants formed as a result of sunlight acting on compounds such as nitrogen oxides., Ozone (O3) - A secondary pollutant made up of three oxygen atoms bound together., Smog - A type of air pollution that is a mixture of oxidants and particulate matter., Photochemical smog - Smog that is dominated by oxidants such as ozone. (Also known as "Los Angeles–type smog"; "brown smog."), Sulfurous smog - Smog dominated by sulfur dioxide and sulfate compounds. (Also known as "London-type smog"; "gray smog"; "industrial smog."), Volatile organic compound (VOC) - An organic compound that evaporates at typical atmospheric temperatures., Primary pollutant - A polluting compound that comes directly out of a smokestack, exhaust pipe, or natural emission source., Secondary pollutant - A primary pollutant that has undergone transformation in the presence of sunlight, water, oxygen, or other compounds., Thermal inversion - A situation in which a relatively warm layer of air at mid-altitude covers a layer of cold, dense air below., Municipal solid waste (MSW) - Refuse collected by municipalities from households, small businesses, and institutions., Reduce, reuse, recycle - A popular phrase promoting the idea of diverting materials from the waste stream. (Also known as "the three Rs."), Composting - Creation of organic matter (humus) by decomposition under controlled conditions to produce an organic-rich material that enhances soil structure, cation exchange capacity, and fertility., Leachate - Liquid that contains elevated levels of pollutants as a result of having passed through municipal solid waste (MSW) or contaminated soil., Ash - The residual nonorganic material that does not combust during incineration., Global climate change - Changes in the average weather that occurs in an area over a period of years or decades., Global warming - The warming of the oceans, land masses, and atmosphere of Earth., Greenhouse effect - Absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases and reradiation of the energy back toward Earth., Kyoto Protocol - An international agreement that sets a goal for global emissions of greenhouse gases from all industrialized countries to be reduced by 5.2 percent below their 1990 levels by 2012., Paris Climate Agreement - A pledge by 195 countries to keep global warming less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. (Also known as the "Paris Climate Accord."), Carbon sequestration - An approach to stabilizing greenhouse gases by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.,

Air Pollution

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