1607 - Jamestown was established, 1620 - Pilgrims arrive in America; Mayflower Compact is written, New England Colonies - Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Middle Colonies - New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Southern Colonies - Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland - established as a safe haven for Catholics, Georgia - established as a safe place for debtors, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania - colonies established for religious freedom, Pennsylvania - established by William Penn as a home for Quakers, reason Jamestown was established - for commercial profit, reason Plymouth was established - to escape religious persecution, cash crops - cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo, geographical characteristics of the New England Colonies - long winters, thin and rocky soil, natural harbors, geographical characteristics of the Middle Colonies - mild climate, fertile soil and port cities, geographical characteristics of the Southern Colonies - warm and humid climate, fertile soil, long growing season, economy of the New England Colonies - fishing, shipbuilding, and whaling, economy of the Middle Colonies - wheat, oats, barley, economy of the Southern Colonies - agricultural; cash crops such as cotton, rice, tobacco and indigo,

13 Colonies

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