1) What does the prefix pre mean? a) not b) again c) before 2) What does the prefix un mean? a) not b) again c) before 3) What does the prefix re mean? a) not b) again c) now 4) Create a word using your prefix knowledge that means "not happy" a) Create it on your own! b) Create it on your own c) Create it on your own 5) What does the prefix dis mean? a) not b) before c) again 6) What does the prefix im- mean? a) wrong b) again c) not 7) What does the prefix bi- mean? a) To view again b) two c) before 8) What does the prefix mis- mean? a) wrong b) many c) two 9) What does the prefix inter- mean? a) internet b) before c) between 10) Create a word within a sentence using your prefix knowledge that means "I did not match my socks correctly" a) Create it on your own! b) Create it on your own c) Create it on your own 11) What does the prefix de- mean? a) opposite b) wrong c) do again 12) What does the prefix non- mean? a) not/ without b) opposite c) fake 13) What does bimonthly mean? a) two times a month b) two times a year c) two times a week 14) What word can we use to say something is not frosted? a) Create it on your own! b) Create it on your own c) Create it on your own 15) What does interstate mean? a) between states b) in the state c) internet

Prefix Game 3/15

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