Toddler - 1 or 2 year old, Developmentally Appropriate - Toy and activities suitable for a child. , Dexterity - Skillful use of fingers or hands. , Negativism - Doing the opposite of what others want. , Temper Tantrum - When children release frustrations by crying, kicking, and/or screaming. , Separation Anxiety - Fear of being away from parents or familiar caregivers. , Empathy - Ability to understand how other people feel. , Sleep-Deprived - Lacking adequate sleep., Parallel Play  - Playing near but not with other children. , Cooperatibe Play - Playing with another child including cooperation and interaction., Incidental Learning - Unplanned learning. , Trial-and-Error Learning - Learning where a child tries several ways before fining one that works. , Directed Learning - Learning results from being taught formally or informally. , Creativity - Mental ability that incolves using the imagination to create original ideas. , Autonomy  - Independence: Knowing that they have control over themselves and the choices that they make.,

Toddler Vocabulary


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