1) Another student whispers a mean word to you when the teacher isn't looking. a) Scream at him b) Ignore him c) Talk to the teacher and ask for a moment to yourself d) Hit the kid e) Throw things in the class f) Deep breathing 2) Dad is yelling every day and he's always in a bad mood a) Go to your room and draw b) Listen to music c) Start arguing with brother d) runaway e) Throw things in your room f) Wash face with cold water 3) You studied really hard for a test, but you still failed. a) You start screaming, crying, and yelling b) You rip the paper up c) You curse at the teacher d) You take a second to take deep breathes e) You ask if you can go to the bathroom and put water on your face f) you count all your fingers while moving your finger around each finger, like you are tracing it. 4) You are tired and sick of going to school a) You run away b) You do not get ready and refuse to go c) You sing and wash your face with some cold water d) You do something fun for yourself before you go, like do a drawing. e) You set out some cool clothes to feel good f) You ask dad if you can do something fun when home 5) Your brother or another student is invading your space a) You hit him b) you scream at him c) you tell him to stop d) You tell him to stop and if he doesn't you walk away e) you take something of his and break it f) You ignore him

coping skills


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