coin - money made of metal, note - paper money, bill - a piece of paper which shows how much money you have to pay for something, mortgage - money that a bank lends you to buy a flat or a house, inherit - to receive money or property from the relative, salary - the money you get every month for the work you do, tax - money that we pay to the government, loan - money that somebody (or a bank) lends you, lend - to allow (a person or organization) the use of (a sum of money) under an agreement to pay it back later, typically with interest, borrow - to take and use (something belonging to someone else) with the intention of returning it, charge - to demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied, raise - to collect, levy, or bring together (money or resources), owe - to have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received,

Money Vocabulary

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

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