1) The opposite of "friendly". a) unfriendly b) talkative c) shy d) cheerful 2) Can answer all the questions in class. a) stupid b) clever c) generous d) moody 3) Always smiling and happy. a) friendly b) selfish c) shy d) cheerful 4) One minute happy,the next minute sad. a) stupid b) moody c) unfriendly d) clever 5) Usually quiet when with a new group of people. a) friendly b) cheerful c) shy d) talkative 6) Works 16 hours a day. a) hard-working b) generous c) stupid d) selfish 7) Doesn’t think about other people. a) stupid b) shy c) unfriendly d) selfish 8) Doesn’t like working. a) lazy b) shy c) moody d) stupid 9) Never stops talking. a) talkative b) stupid c) unfriendly d) cheerful 10) Easy to talk to and be with. a) cheerful b) generous c) lazy d) friendly 11) Likes giving things to people. a) shy b) generous c) cheerful d) moody 12) Always passes exams with a high mark. a) stupid b) generous c) clever d) talkative

Personality adjectives

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