1) What is the national dog of Holland -hint- It starts with a k- a) Keeshond b) Kangal Dog c) King Charles Spaniel d) Kerry Blue Terrier e) Komondor f) Kuvasz 2) What dogs are made for hunting -there are multiple answers- a) American foxhound b) Pomeranian c) Chesapeake Bay Retriever d) Beagle e) Schnoodle f) Bloodhound 3) What dogs are cute -this is very easy- a) Odin -one of my dogs- b) Homer -another one of my dogs- c) Pugs d) French Bulldog e) Shih Tzu  f) Cavapoo 4) What is the biggest dog -biggest dog in the answers i give you, not in just general a) Pug b) Jack Russel c) Dachshund d) Chihuahua e) Newfoundland Dog f) Pomeranian 5) All done! plz rate this game a) I hated it b) Eh i disliked it mostly but it was kinda entertaining c) Idc d) Idk e) I liked it f) OMG THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER

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