Brown v. Board of Education - Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, led to the gradual integration of public schools. "Separate can never be equal.", Plessy v. Ferguson - Upheld the Louisiana state law segregating railroad cars. Establishes "separate but equal" allowing segregation to continue in all states., Gideon v. Wainwright - State courts are required to provide counsel in all cases where a defendant cannot afford an attorney., Miranda v. Arizona - Anyone arrested and accused of a crime must be informed of their right to remain silent and their right to an attorney., Regents of University of California v. Bakke - Upheld affirmative action and determined that schools can use race as a factor when admitting applicants to college., Roe v. Wade - Determined that abortions are legal in every state and it is a woman's choice., Korematsu v. United States - The relocation of Japanese-Americans to interment camps during war was constitutional., Dred Scott v. Sandford - Ruled that African Americans are not citizens and therefore, do not have the right to sue in court., Schneck v. United States - Determined that speech can be restricted whenever there is a "clear and present danger"., Sacco and Vanzetti Case - Italian anarchists were found guilty of robbery with little evidence and sentenced to death., Scopes Trial - Teacher found guilty; determined that it was illegal to teach the theory of evolution in schools., United States v. Nixon - The court ruled that even the President is not above the law. Nixon was forced to hand over his taped conversations., Standard Oil Company v. United States - Upheld the Sherman Antitrust Act and allowed the government to break up monopolies.,

Court Cases

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