1) .............. were going home after school today when we saw something on the street. a) I and my sister b) My sister and I c) We and my sister d) My sister and mine 2) I was a lady's handbag. We .... it up and .... a phone number inside. a) pick, find b) picked, finded c) picks, finds d) picked, found 3) My sister ..... the number, and an old lady ....... . a) rang, answered b) ringed, answered c) rung, answers d) does ring, does answer 4) My sister .... her that we had found her bag. a) tells b) telled c) told d) is telling 5) She told us where she ...... , and so we ..... it to her house. a) lives, takes b) lived, took c) lived, taked d) was live, was took 6) 'Thank you so much', she said. 'I .......... ...... it everywhere!' a) was looking for b) looked c) found d) were looking for

KET for schools RW7


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