1) You look sleepy. - Yeah, because of my noisy neighbors, I _______ . a) didn't sleep a wink b) oversleep c) slept on it 2) I don't know what to do. - I think, you should ________ and you'll find the solution. a) sleep like a log b) sleep on it c) fast asleep 3) Why are you so late?! - Oh, sorry, I ________ and couldn't hear the alarm. a) fast asleep b) overslept c) slept like a log 4) Sorry, I'd better ________ , I have a busy day tomorrow. a) sleep like a log b) hit the hay c) sleep on it 5) Good night, Tom! - Same to you, _________ . a) sleep tight b) sleep night c) sleep like a log 6) Don't ask him about his divorce. It's best ________________ . a) to sleep like a log b) sleep on it c) to let sleeping dogs lie

Sleeping idioms


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