1) IO at the end says . . . a) /ee o/ b) /eye o/ 2) ION at the end says. . . a) /ee o/ b) /ee un/ 3) NION at the end says a) /nyun/ b) /nun/ 4) LION at the end says a) /lyun/ b) /lee on/ 5) GION and GEON at the end say a) /gun/ b) /jun/ 6) IATE at the end can say (pick 2) a) /ee ate/ b) /eye ate/ c) /ee it/ 7) TIATE and CIATE both say a) /see it/ b) /she ate/ 8) If you hear /sh/ near the end of a multi syllable word which digraph would you NOT use? a) TI b) CI c) SH 9) IAL at the end says a) /ee ul/ b) /ee il/ c) /eye ul/ 10) If "I" is the first vowel and is accented it says a) /eye/ b) /uh/ c) /ee/ 11) /shul/ can be spell 2 different ways (pick 2) a) CIAL b) SIAL c) TIAL 12) At the end of a ONE syllable word IE says a) /eye/ b) /ee/ 13) IE in the middle or the end of a multisyllable words says a) /ee/ b) /eye/ 14) EY at the end says a) /ee/ b) /eye/ 15) Use OI at the a) beginning b) middle c) end 16) Use OY at the a) beginning b) middle c) end 17) Use AW if followed by a a) rotten letter b) nice letter 18) Use AU for /ah/ a) in the middle if there in not ONE Nice Letter b) in the end

8.8 Spelling Rules Reviewed


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