co-pay - the amount you pay before you receive any benefits from your insurance coverage, fraud - the illegal use of someone else's personal information to purchase items or receive benefits , economics - the study of how a society manages its resources to produce and distribute goods and services, debt - owing anything to anyone for any reason, capitalism - a system of economics based on the private ownership of business and the products (goods and services) made and sold, incentive - something that motivates or encourages someone to do something, impulse purchase - an unplanned spur of the moment purchase generally sparked by advertising and emotion, product placement - the paid display of specific products (food, drinks, clothing, and identifiable brands) in movies, television, and media, saving - is is for financial goals that are five years or less, investing - is for long term financial that are form more than five years such as retirement, causes - the things or thing that makes an event happen, effect - the result of a cause , synonyms - words that have similar meanings, antonyms - words that have opposite or near opposite meanings, opinion - a person's or group's personal idea about something, fact - something that has been proven true, elapsed time - a period of time that has passed between two time periods, Central time zone - the panhandle of Florida is in this time zone, Eastern time zone - Most of Florida from the Atlantic around to the top of the Gulf of Mexico, Gibbs and Willoughby's fundamental skills - reading, writing, managing money and telling time. ,
Willoughby Semester Exam 2 2021
Chia sẻ
6th Grade
Chỉnh sửa nội dung
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Bảng xếp hạng
Hiển thị thêm
Ẩn bớt
Bảng xếp hạng này hiện đang ở chế độ riêng tư. Nhấp
Chia sẻ
để công khai bảng xếp hạng này.
Chủ sở hữu tài nguyên đã vô hiệu hóa bảng xếp hạng này.
Bảng xếp hạng này bị vô hiệu hóa vì các lựa chọn của bạn khác với của chủ sở hữu tài nguyên.
Đưa các lựa chọn trở về trạng thái ban đầu
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là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.
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