grandson - the son of one's son or daughter, stepmother - a woman who is the wife or partner of one's father after the divorce or separation of one's parents or the death of one's mother, sister-in-law - the wife of one's sibling, half-brother - a brother with whom one has only one parent in common, great-grandfather - the father of a person's grandparent, an adopted-child - a child that is not one's biological child, sibling - each of two or more children having one or both parents in common, immediate family - his or her smallest family unit, including parents, siblings, spouse, and children, extended family - a family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives, cousin - a child of one's uncle or aunt, aunt - the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle, uncle - the brother of one's father or mother or the husband of one's aunt,

Family members intermediate


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