1040 - I am completed every April; Anyone can use me; beware, there is a LOT to fill out, W2 - I am received in January; there is one of me for every job you work; you can tell how much you earned and how much you paid in taxes by reading me  , W4 - I am received whenever you start a job; you list information about yourself and your family on me; I determine how much money gets taken out of each paycheck, I-9 - I am received whenever you start a job; you use me to prove you are eligible to work in the U.S.; you must provide forms of identification when submitting me, W9 - I am completed when I must provide my correct Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to the person who is required to file an information return with the IRS to report, 1099-INT - I am received in January; brokerage firms, banks, mutual funds, and other financial institutions are required to file this on interest over $10 paid during the year. The form must be reported to the IRS and sent to each interest recipient by Jan. 31, 1099-NEC - It is made to someone who is not your employee for services in the course of your trade or business made to an individual, partnership, estate, or, in some cases, a corporation and the payments made to that payee were at least $600 or more for the year.,

Compare Tax Forms and Their Purpose


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