Differences in learning based on abilities, interests or experiences - Learning Diversity, Preferred methods most effective for absorbing and processing information - Learning Styles, learn best by seeing - Visual learners, learn best by hearing - Auditory learners, learn best by hand-on or physical activities - Kinesthetic-tactile learners, Using different methods of instruction to match a student’s preferred mode of learning, disability or background - Differentiated instructions, Idea that individuals have a broad range of types of intelligence, each to a different degree - Multiple intelligences, students that require special educational modifications & perhaps other services that align with their abilities and potential - Exceptional learners, A school that emphasizes a particular area such as science, art, math - Magnet school, Students learn at their own rate - Self-paced learning, Students attend special classes outside of the regular classroom - Pull-out programs, Understanding each individual is different and recognizing those differences - Diversity, Students must learn English while mastering the regular content - English language learners (ELL), preconceived generalizations about certain groups of people - Stereotype, hard or difficult to accomplish - Arduous, Classes taught in two languages - Bilingual programs, Programs that concentrate on teaching English language skills - English as a Second Language program (ESL), Professor of cognition and education from Harvard who developed the Theory of Multiple intelligences - Howard Gardner, person’s environment, behaviors, practices, values and attitudes, and fundamental beliefs and assumptions. - Culture, Student who excels academically - Gifted, Students with outstanding skills in other areas such as art, music, or dance - Talented,

Unit 7: Part 1 Vocabulary

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Lật quân cờ là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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