Protista: unicellular, eukaryote , single celled, heterotroph, euakryote, eukaryote, unicellular, heterotroph, Archaebacteria: extreme environments, prokaryote, prokaryote, unicellular, extreme, Eubacteria: prokaryote, neutral environment, prokaryote, neutral env., unicellular, Animalia: Multicellular, Heterotroph, Eukaryote, Sexual Reproduction, Eukaryote, Multicell, Heterotroph, Sexual Reproduction, Plantae: Autotroph, Multicell, Eukaryote, Multicellular, Autotroph, Eukaryote, Fungi: Heterotroph, Multicellular, Eukaryote, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, Multicellular, Heterotroph, Eukaryote, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction,

Classification - Taxonomy

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