1) who won the war a) spain b) united states of america c) britten d) france e) rome f) malta 2) who was the king of England a) george washington b) Goerge lll c) bob d) arnold 3) who was Benedict Arnold a) a traiter b) king c) helper 4) wich one rode in the midnight ride a) paul revere b) george washington c) rider d) king george lll 5) what was the first war of the revelutionary war a) lexington and concord b) battle of saratoga c) yorktown d) charlstown 6) who said give me liberty or give me death a) patrick henrey b) king george lll c) thomas jefferson d) paul revere 7) who was george washington a) commander of continental army b) king of america c) traiter d) scientist 8) which was the second presedent of the united states of america a) john adams b) benjamin franklin c) patrick henry


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