Jazz Walk - Side drag/cross, stride like a cat, Ball Change - Change of weight from on foot to the other, Charleston - Front to back and back to front weight shift, Chasse - To Chase, one foot chases the other , Fan Kick - One leg kicks in a circular motion, Jazz Hands - Exaggerated open fingers, Jazz square - Four step sequence resembling a square: step cross, back, side, front, Pivot Turn - Half a turn around a centered foot, Triplet - A sequence of three steps two in releve and one in plie (up, up, down), Chaine - Series of small short 2-step turns that travel across the floor, Pirouette - A spin in place on one foot, Pas De Bouree - Three step weight transfer (back, side, front) can be used in a place, to travel or to turn, 3-Step Turn - Making 3 steps while turning , Parallel feet - When two toes and two heels have equal distance like two lines that never touch, Isolations - Moving separately one part of your body,

Jazz Steps and Definitions

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