cell - basic building block of all living things, tissue - group of cells with similar structure and function, organ - groups of different tissues working together, organ system - group of organs working together, digestive - system that breaks food molecules down so they can be absorbed, respiratory - system where oxygen diffuses into blood, nervous - system allowing communication inside the body, skeletal - system that allows movement and structure, specialised - type of cell that has a specific function, stem - cell that has not differentiated yet, ribosome - sub-cellular structure that makes proteins, mitochondria - sub-cellular structure where respiration takes place, nucleus - sub-cellular structure that contains genetic material, cytoplasm - where most chemical reactions happen in a cell, cell wall - rigid sub-cellular structure around a plant, cell membrane - sub-cellular structure that allows substances to pass through it, vacuole - sub-cellular structure that stores cell sap, lungs - organs that allow oxygen to diffuse into the blood, stomach - organ that produces acid and enzymes that digest protein,

Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems

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