A skeleton - I have many bones, Black cat - I arch my back when it is spooky out, orange pumpkin - you will find me in a patch, witch - I cackle when I laugh, Halloween - Falls on October 31, trick or treat - What you say after you knock on the door, zombie - They call me the undead, haunted house - You may not want to go in here, vampire - I might take a bite out of you, scream - When I am scared I do this?, a costume - I wear this on Halloween, a witches hat - It is pointy, jacko'lantern - I put on a happy or mean face, werewolf - I smell like a dog, alll kinds of candy - What I want to get on Halloween, mask - this covers my face, Halloween party - One of my favorite activities, trunk or treat - Some communities have these, spider - They drop down from their web, ghost - I am not a sheet,

Anagram Halloween

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