Narrative - A spoken or written account of something. A story. A spoken or written account of something. A story. A spoken or written account of something. A story. , Frame narrative - A story within a story. The narrative within a narrative., Terminology - The words used that are specific to a subject or topic. (i.e. ‘beaker’ and ‘Bunsen burner’ is terminology associated with the sciences)., Scene setting - A description of the location of specific events in a playA description of the location of specific events in a play, Act - A main division in a play, Monologue - The moment in a play where one character speaks alone; a long speech., Stage direction - An instruction in a play about an actor’s movements, the sounds to be heard etc, Dramatic Irony - When the audience know something that the characters do not., Playwright - A writer of dramas, Character - A person in a play, Prologue - An introduction to a play, where the audience is addressed by an actor., Epilogue - The concluding part of a play, where the audience is addressed by an actor,

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