1) The Health and Safety at work act? a) is for the guidance of employers b) is for the guidance of employees c) explains the duties of employers d) explains the duties of employers and employees 2) The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 is responsible for ensuring? a) that health, safety and welfare issues are taken care of b) that safety and welfare issues are taken care of c) that health & safety issues are taken care of d) that health and welfare issues are taken care of  3) After an accident, only one of the following can be trusted to carry out an independent investigation. Which one? a) Your manager b) Health & Safety Executive c) Your supervisor d) Company Health & Safety Representative 4) Acts that are passed through parliament are then known as? a) Primary law b) Statute Law c) Secondary law d) Case law 5) As an apprentice, you encounter difficulty on site and are not sure of what to do. Who should you ask? a) your family b) the council c) Trade Union d) Your supervisor 6) A friend of yours suffers a serious injury at work and you are a witness to the accident. Which of the following is the most complete answer? a) Ensure their details are recorded on an accident form & RIDDOR b) Ensure their details are recorded on accident form & HSE investigation c) RIDDOR & HSE investigation d) Enter details into an accident form, RIDDOR & HSE investigation 7) You enter a building and witness an electrician being electrocuted. Your first action on finding someone who is being subjected to an electric shock is to? a) Use a wooden handle to move the electrical supply away from the electrician b) Call the emergency services c) Ensure that you are not in danger then see if you can isolate the supply d) Isolate the supply 8) A near miss is defined as? a) a very minor accident such as a cut finger b) broken arm c) broken finger d) an incident that could have had serious consequences 9) The On-Site Guide is regarded as what? a) Non statutory b) Statutory document c) Principle document d) Parliamentary Law 10) Your are assisting a crane driver move a load. You should a) stand well clear until told to approach the load b) operate the crane when the driver is in the toilet c) help the crane driver by stabilising the load d) suggest a better way of securing the load 11) Which of the following would coordinate Health & Safety matters within a large company? a) Health & Safety Executive b) H & S Officer c) H & S Representative d) Environmental Protection Officer 12) You witness the start of a very serious fire, your actions should be? a) Run to report it b) Walk to report it c) Operate the nearest alarm panel and once outside of the building call the fire brigade d) Operate the nearest alarm panel 13) 110 V is known as ? a) a mains operated system b) a 3 phase operated system c) a SELV system d) a reduced voltage system 14) Why is the effect of an electric shock greater when a person is wet? a) The person's resistance is higher, therefore the effect of the electric current is less b) the person's resistance is lower therefore the effect of an electric current is increased c) the person's resistance is lower therefore the effect of an electric current is less d) the person's resistance is higher, therefore the effect of an electric current is increased 15) What is the colour associated with an 110V supply ? a) Blue b) Red c) White d) Yellow 16) Earthing is known as ? a) Basic protection b) Fault protection c) Additional protection d) Bonding in some cases 17) Which of the following would provide the safest option when at height? a) Scaffolding b) Safety net c) Ladder d) Harness 18) First Aid facilities should be provided? a) in all toilets b) in all canteens c) in all rest rooms d) in all work related areas 19) Who should provide PPE? a) The employee b) An employer c) clerk of work d) The customer 20) Risk assessment are carried out to highlight? a) shortages b) problems c) hazards d) good practice 21) When drilling through certain building material especially if it had been installed during 1970's, it could expose you to a hazard that can give you lung cancer? What is this material known as? a) Influenza b) Asbestos c) Dust d) Splinters 22) What kind of sign says "you must?" a) Prohibition sign b) Information sign c) Warning d) Mandatory 23) Emplyoyees have a duty of care towards? a) others b) themselves c) clients d) themselves & others 24) Which of the following is responsible for bringing about safe systems of work? a) employer b) employee c) local authority d) Health & Safety Executive 25) PPE will? a) reduce injury b) remove injury c) reduce accidents d) reduce hazards

Health & Safety in Electrical Installation

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