Je me réveille - What is I wake up?, Je me lève - What is I get up?, Je me brosse les dents - What is I brush my teeth?, Je me peigne - What is I brush my hair?, Je prends mon petit déjeuner  - What is I have breakfast?, Je me douche - What is I shower?, Je me rase - What is I shave?, Je me maquille - What is I do my makeup?, Je m'habille  - What is I get dressed?, J'attends le bus. - What is I wait for the bus?, Je vais en cours - What is I go to class?, Je me dépêche - What is I hurry?, Je vais en voiture - What is I drive?, Je vais à pied - What is I walk?, Puis, j'arrive au lycée - What is I arrive at high school?, Je me lave - What is I wash/I wash my face?, Je vais à l'école - What is I go to school?, je rentre à la maison en bus - What is I return home on the bus?, Je prends un café - What is I have coffee?, Ma routine quotidienne - What is my daily routine?,

Ma routine quotidienne

Bảng xếp hạng

Tìm đáp án phù hợp là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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