Spices - A substance used to flavor food, Banish - To send someone away from a country or place as an official punishment, Epidemic - A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease, Silk Road - A network of roads that connected Europe in the West to Asia in the East., Expedition - A journey or trip taken by a group of people to explore new land, Viceroy - A ruler who is in charge of a colony because the King is not there (the Kings’ representative), Conquistador - A Spanish conqueror, tribute - A payment or gift given to show respect, Encomienda - A policy that gave land and the Native Americans on it, to soldiers or colonists as a reward for service to the King, Small pox - A disease caused by a virus that is characterized by a red rash that becomes raised by large bumps a few days late, Astronomy - The study of the universe, Barter - Trade or exchanging without money., Colony - A group of people who have started a community far from their country., Economics - The study of how goods and services are produced, distributed and consumed.,

New Spain

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