Short Sentences - Between 1 to 5 words in a sentence. Helps to create intensity and speed within the text, Long Sentences - Long sentences often contain lots of detail and description, Cyclical Structure - The story starts with one topic and ends with the same topic that it started with., Hook - Hook pulls in the reader's interest. Often found at the start of the extract, Dialogue - Dialogue is conversation between two characters. It gives us an insight into the characters thoughts and feelings, Zooming in - Focusses on one character/scene up close. Full detail on one thing, Zooming out - Focusses on a wider view. Provides a lot of detail for a wide view, Foreshadowing - Hints at what is to come in the story. What could be happening?, Flashback - Flashbacks focus on the past. They provide insight into a character's background/history, Shift in focus - Moving between characters or scenes. Shifting from a character to another or from one object to another.,

Structural Features

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