The people next door play loud music late at night, Your partner bites their nails, Your friend always interrupts when you're talking, A colleague in your office has an annoying cough, A taxi driver is driving too fast it worries you, it's raining, you want it to be sunny, It's Thursday, you are in the office, You can't play a musical instrument, you want to be able to, You turned down the job in Europe, now you're sorry, You sold your bike, now you're sorry, You ate too much at dinner, now you regret it, You scraped the side of the car.

I wish / If only


Bảng xếp hạng

Thẻ bài ngẫu nhiên là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

Phong cách trực quan

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