1) Santa wears a a) blue suit b) red suit c) green suit 2) I decorated the ______________ with red and green sprinkles. a) cookie b) car c) socks 3) We left our a glass of ______________ with some cookies. a) water b) oil c) milk 4) Cassidy wrote a letter to ______________. a) Santa b) Mrs. San Miguel c) Mr. Moreno 5) Santa lives in the _________________________. a) ocean b) North Pole c) forest 6) The children played with the __________________. a) toys b) shoes c) food 7) The ___________________ is green. a) lettuce b) Grinch c) hair 8) We decorated the Christmas _______________. a) dog b) tree c) TV 9) Rudolph the red nose __________________ a) cow b) cat c) reindeer 10) We celebrate Christmas on _____________________________. a) December 25 b) July 4 c) September 11


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