1) Is spinny sus? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) Oh e) XD he’s dumb f) Uhh yes? 2) Is spinny the best? a) Yes b) No 3) Wow a) Ok? b) Uh c) This is right choose me 4) What’s spinny s favorite word? a) Spin b) Spin c) Spin d) Spin 5) Is spinny very good? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 6) Is spinny very good? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 7) Is nilay the best? a) Yes b) No 8) When was spinny born? a) September b) August c) November 9) Are you spinny s freind? a) Yes b) No 10) Sus a) Hmm b) Uh c) Spinny 11) which is the real spinny a) Spinny b) Sus c) wow 12) What is sus? a) Spinny b) Rick and morty c) Uh 13) Wat is Rick roll a) Never going give you up never going to let you down b) Tissue c) poop d) Never e) Give you f) Up 14) I M P O S T E R a) Imposter b) Banned 15) Who’s spinny s crush a) Idk b) I know c) Uh

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