Enlightenment - Period where 17th & 18th century intellectuals began to emphasize reason, individualism over traditions, community., Nationalism - feeling of intense loyalty to others who share one language and culture., Empiricism - belief that knowledge comes from sensed experience instead of tradition, religion., Social Contract - In a society, we give up some rights to a strong central government in return for law & order., Baron De Montesquieu - praised the idea of checks on power, Influenced the American system of government: three branches, Adam Smith - Scottish economist, wrote "The Wealth of Nations", advocated for laissez-faire economics., Deism - "Watchmaker Theory", belief that a divine being simply set natural laws in motion, Utopian Socialists - society could be channeled in positive directions by setting up ideal communities., Abolitionism - the movement to end the Atlantic Slave Trades, free all enslaved peoples., Zionism - the desire of Jews to re-establish an independent homeland in the Middle East.,

The Enlightenment Conveyor Belt

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