Male Condom - a barrier method; placed over the penis, Female Condom - a barrier method; inserted into the vagina with a portion remaining on the exterior, Oral Contraceptives "The Pill" - hormonal method; prevent ovulation or inhibit fertilization; must be taken daily; requires a doctor's prescription, Contraceptive Sponge - barrier and chemical method; one time use; covers the cervix, blocking sperm and releases spermicide, Vasectomy - surgical method; sperm duct is severed preventing the release of sperm; permanent method of contraception for males, Tubal Ligation - surgical method of contrception; fallopian tubes are cut or blocked preventing the joining of the egg and sperm; no sti protection, abstinence - the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy; also 100% effective in preventing sti's, emergency contraception - used after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy; no sti protection. Need to see a doctor within 72 hours but ideally within 24 hours, withdrawal - natural method; removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation occurs, not very effective, Calendar method/ Fertility Awareness - natural method; attempts to use the timing of the women's menstrual cycle to avoid pregnancy, Implant - Small tubes under skin that release hormone to prevent development of egg,

Contraception methods

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