Extinct - Oxygen in the form of molecules with three atoms, created by exposure of oxygen to electrical discharge or ultraviolet radiation, having a sharp smell., Pollution - The natural environment of a plant or animal., Ozone - Contaminating material that pollutes., Endangered species - The continuous modification and adaptation of organisms to their environments through selection and hybridization., Poacher - A species of plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct., Conservation - A haze caused by the effect of sunlight on foggy air that has been polluted by vehicle exhaust gases and industrial smoke., Evolution - The mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body, Smog - A substance used to kill insects., Habitat - One who illegally hunts on another's property., Atmosphere - No longer existing, as an animal species., Insecticide - The warming trend on the surface and in the lower atmosphere of a planet, held by scientists to occur when solar radiation is trapped, as by emissions from the planet., Biosphere - The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms can exist., Greenhouse effect - The act of preserving and protecting from loss, destruction, or waste.,


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