1) Achashverosh ruled over ----------- provinces a) 129 b) 127 c) 12 2) --------- was the capital of Persia a) Yerushalayim b) Shalom c) Shushan 3) Queen ------- refused to come before the king and his drunken friends a) Esther b) Vashti c) Sara 4) The king’s advisors told him to get rid of --------- a) Esther b) Hagar c) Vashti 5) -------- told Esther not to tell them she is Jewish a) Achashverosh b) Haman c) Mordechai 6) Esther did not -------- or do anything special but she was still chosen as Queen a) drink wine b) dress up c) read books 7) --------- had a plot to kill King Achashverosh a) Haman and Zeresh b) Esther and Vashti c) Bigtan and Teresh 8) ---------- knew of the plot to kill the king and told Esther so the King was saved a) Haman b) Mordechai c) Bigtan 9) Haman hated that --------- wouldnt bow to him a) Antiochus b) Mordechai c) Esther 10) Haman convinced ------- to kill all the Jews in the empire a) Pharoah b) Antiochus c) Achashverosh 11) The King gave Haman his ------ to send out decrees to kill the Jews a) crown b) ring c) royal robe 12) Haman did a ---------- ( Pur) and decided to kill the Jews on the 13th of Adar a) handshake b) dance c) lottery 13) Mordechai wore ----------- and the Jews mourned when they heard the evil decree a) sackclothes b) tzitzit c) Shabbat clothes 14) ---------- told Esther she had to save the Jews or help would come from another source a) Hashem b) Achashverosh c) Mordechai 15) Esther and the Jewish people prayed and fasted ------- days a) 1 b) 3 c) 7 16) Esther approached ----------- without an invitation a) King Antiochus b) King Achashverosh c) King Pharoh 17) Esther invited the King and ---------to a party the next day a) Mordechai b) Bigtan c) Haman 18) Haman’s wife ,----------, told him to build a gallows to hang Mordechai. a) Hagar b) Vashti c) Zeresh 19) The King couldnt sleep so asked for his ---------- a) Royal TeddyBear b) Royal Goblet c) Royal Book 20) Haman said the best honor is to wear the kings robes and --------------- a) drink Royal wine b) led on the Royal horse c) live in the Palace 21) Esther invites Achashverosh and Haman to a ----------- party a) second b) third c) seventh 22) Esther tells the King that ------------ is trying to kill her and her people a) Haman b) Mordechai c) Pharoh 23) Achashverosh --------- Haman on the gallows he made for Mordechai. a) sings to b) tells jokes to c) hangs 24) Messengers were sent to allow the Jews to ----------------- a) celebrate b) defend themselves c) run away 25) The story is written on a ---------- and celebrated with 4 Mitzvot each year a) Megillah b) Torah c) Sukkah

Purim Story

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