1) Research conducted from a male point of view shows a) Androcentrism b) Alpha Bias c) Universality d) Beta bias 2) Alpha bias is when... a) Male bias influences research b) Researchers attempt to make universal theories c) Differences between genders are minimised d) Differences between genders are exaggerated 3) Beta bias is when... a) Male bias influences research b) Researchers attempt to make universal theories c) Differences between genders are minimised d) Differences between genders are exaggerated 4) When Freud viewed femininity as failed masculinity this showed... a) Alpha Bias b) Beta bias 5) Judging female behaviour against a male standard shows... a) Alpha bias b) Beta Bias 6) When findings from one gender are generalised to all, this shows... a) Alpha bias b) Beta bias 7) Universality is linked to the aims of... a) Idiographic approaches b) Nomothetic approaches 8) Which bias is shown by samples used by Milgram, Asch and Zimbardo? a) Alpha b) Beta 9) Using all male samples shows... a) Alpha bias contributing to Universality b) Beta bias contributing to androcentrism c) Alpha bias contributing to androcentrism 10) One sex is devalued in... a) Alpha bias b) Beta bias c) Both alpha and beta bias

Gender Bias Key Terminology

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