Technology is used to address unique needs of each learner by adapting learning activities based on user input. - Adaptive Learning, Interactive experience where objects in the real world are enhanced by technology. For example, a coloring sheet becomes three-dimensional with an app. - Augmented Reality, Computer generated environment that appears to be real, but does not exist in the real world. - Virtual Reality, Technology designed to improve experience and capabilities of persons with disabilities. - Assistive Technology, Learning that happens at different times and places, on your own time. - Asynchronous Learning, Acronym for Acceptable Use Policy which defines the regulations for using websites and technology. - AUP, Integrated learning experience where students learn in part through online learning and in part in a brick-and-mortar location. - Blended Learning, Access to file storage and software through the internet instead of a local server. - Cloud, Responsible use of technology. - Digital Citizenship, Ability to use technology to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information. - Digital Literacy, Learning system based on formal teaching with the help of electronic resources, includes computer assisted learning, MOOCs, and self-directed learning.. - E-Learning, Blended learning approach where content is introduced at home through readings or videos and class time is focused on practice, collaboration, and problem solving. - Flipped Classroom, Acronym for Google Apps for Education. Suite of Google tools designed to support instruction. - GAFE, Application of elements of game playing to learning in order to motivate and engage learners.. - Gamification, Technology used to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. - Instructional Technology, Acronym for Learning Management System-Software application designed to provide a framework to house, deliver, and track content. Examples: Blackboard, Google Classroom, Canvas - LMS, Acronym for Content Management System- software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content. - CMS, Learning using personal electronic devices (mobile learning). - M-Learning, Massive Open Online Courses-free online courses available for anyone to enroll. - MOOC, Series of digital audio files usually broken into episodes offered weekly or monthly. - Podcast, Online teaching and learning environment where students and teachers can present course materials and engage with one another. - Virtual Classroom, Database for creating, browsing, and searching through information, usually collaboratively edited. - Wiki,
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