What are your favorite restaurants?, Which countries would you like to visit and why?, Tell about places you like to go in the summer., Which do you like better online or in person classes? Why? , What is your favorite shopping area and why?, What do you want to do this summer and why?, What was your best vacation and why?, What were your favorite subjects in high school and why?, What were your least favorite subjects in school and why?, Did you like wearing your school uniform in high school? Why or why not?, If you *had to* eat bugs or food created by a printer, which would you choose?, What part of the Olympics do (did) you like the most? Why?, What is your favorite Japanese holiday? Why?, Would you consider having international marrige? Why or why not?, What kind of family would you like to have in the future?, What is the best trip you've been on? What did you do?, Where would you like to go in Japan? , Who are your favorite musical artists? Why?.

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