Achievement Gap - Differences in learning and graduation rates, At Risk - Students or groups with characteristics or experiences that make them more likely to struggle or fail academically., Corporate-Education Partnership - Relationships between schools and businesses, in which the businesses “adopt” the schools to provide support in a variety of ways., Cyberbullying - Intimidation through e-mail, social networking sites, texting, or other electronic means, Expulsion - When a student loses the right to attend school for a specified period of time., Mentor - An adult who commits to a long-term relationship with a student to provide support, guidance, and help., School Funding Gap - The problem that occurs when schools in districts with lower levels of income from property taxes have a higher proportion of students who are low-income and need a higher level of services., Spending per Pupil - The average amount of money a school spends to educate a student for one year., Zero Tolerance Policy - Prohibited behaviors and actions that schools will not tolerate. There are no exceptions., Conflict Resolution - Skills that can help students learn how to state their needs, negotiate, and collaborate.,

Schools & Society Vocabulary

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