winter - The coldest season of the year., summer - The hottest season of the year., autumn - In this season, the leaves are orange, red and yellow., spring - In this season, trees and flowers start growing and the leaves are green., lantern - It is a lamp. People put it up on the streets in autumn festival., fireworks - You can see them at sky at night. They are very loud and bright., actor - This person works at the theatre. , play - You can watch it at the theatre. You can't watch it at the cinema. You can see many actors there., slave - This person has not got money. He works for the master, but he usually wants to run away from the master., stream - It is smaller than the river. When you are thirsty, you can drink some water there. , paw - It is a foot of the animal. People don't have it., soldiers - These people work for the emperor. They are very strong.,

Festivals around the world

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