Is there a bank here? - You lost your key card., Where can I get beach towels? - You need a beach towel., Where can I have a lunch box? - You have an excursion tomorrow and you want a lunch box., Excuse me, can I have an adapter, please? - You can't charge your phone. You need an adapter., Where can I change money? - You don't know where to change money., How can I get to the city center? - Tou want to know about the local transport., How long does it take? - You want to know the distance to the city., Could you tell me please, what time the dinner finishes? - You want to know what time the dinner finishes., Could you give me the wi-fi password, please? - You need the wi-fi password., How much is massage? - You want to know the massage prices.,

Useful phrases in the hotel

Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

Tùy chọn

Chuyển đổi mẫu

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