Apprentice - someone who learns a skill or trade by assisting or job shadowing an experiment in that trade., Career and technical education - courses of study that prepare students for careers related to a specific trade or occupation, Dame schools - schools in early America run by women from their homes; parents paid a fee for their children to attend., Disposable income - Earnings beyond that needed for basic necessities, allowing people to buy or do things they want., Hornbook - flat wooden boards used during the colonial period usually contained the alphabet, a prayer, and Roman numerals., Montessori method - teaching principles that emphasize self-directed learning through sensory experiences, Poverty - lack of access to the basic necessities of life., Progressives - members of a reform movement that began in the 1800s; believed education should be more individualized and teach skills that would improve society., Quotas - limits placed on something; the U.S. has limits on the number of immigrants that can enter the country., Slates - small chalkboard used by students in the early years of education, Smith-Hughes Act - established federal funds for vocational education,

Early American Education Part 2

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