Bogota - major changes, Bogota, Bogota - knock down and take away the buildings in a slum (an area of poverty), Bogota - here, separated the two communities, Bogota - took the land away from its previous owners, Bogota - deal with problems of too much traffic, Bogota - demonstrations to demand a different situation, Bogota - introduced measures to stop or cut back on something – in this case car use, Bogota - a way of saying invested large amounts of money, Bogota - increase in the number of people going to school, Bogota - avoid being criticised, Manchester - syn. knock down, Manchester - ruined or destroyed the centre, Manchester - moved all the people out of the area, Manchester - some changes happened, Manchester - if a city ‘hosts’ an event, it means the event takes place in the city, Manchester - not looked after well, Manchester - started or set up a competition for different countries, Manchester - making the roads / traffic go in different directions, Manchester - to increase tourism, Manchester - important in bringing in (investors), Manchester - here, inequality refers to the gap between rich and poor people, Manchester - here, lost the feeling that made the city real and individual, Bilbao - what it represents or means to the city, Bilbao, Bilbao - soar means ‘go up to very high levels’, Bilbao - caused investors to feel negative about bringing their money into the city, Bilbao - left the city (abandoned suggests giving up on the place), Bilbao, Bilbao - ongoing means ‘continuing’, Bilbao - if a city ‘hosts’ an event, it means the event takes place in the city, Bilbao - people who oppose or disagree and express that view, Bilbao - a recession is a period when the economy is negative – fewer jobs, higher prices, etc., Bilbao,
outcomes advanced unit 1 p. 10 reading
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