Mitochondria - The organelle that functions in energy production; the power factory of the cellfactory of the cell, Vacuole - The organelle that stores water and food in both plant and animal cells, Cell Membrane - A lipid barrier that encloses the cytoplasm and controls what enters and exits the cell, Cell Wall - A tough, protective barrier that surrounds the outer membrane of some types of cells, Cellular Respiration - The process of obtaining energy from the breaking of chemical bonds in nutrients, Chloroplast - A membrane-bound organelle in plants that is the site of photosynthesis, Cytoplasm - The jellylike material inside the outer membrane of a cell that holds the nucleus, organelles, and other components of the cell, Nucleus - A membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells that contains the DNA; the control center of the cell,

Plant and Animal Cell Organelles

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