1) He knows a lot of fun facts. He is ___ a) friendly b) kind c) interesting 2) She always helps me with my homework. She is ___ a) funny b) talkative c) kind 3) My brother loves talking with strangers. He is___ a) intelligent b) funny c) talkative 4) It is easy for me to make new friends. I am ___ a) friendly b) intelligent c) interesting 5) My husband tells good jokes. He is ___ a) friendly b) intelligent c) funny 6) Her cousin is ___. She doen't know the sun is a star! a) unfrienly b) stupid c) unkind 7) It is hard for my sister to make friends. She is___ a) boring b) stuoid c) unfriendly 8) Kim never tells jokes. He is always ____ a) quiet b) interesting c) serious 9) Hannah speaks little at parties. She is ___ a) boring b) talkative c) quiet 10) He is ____. He talks about Geometry all the time! He can't stop! a) king b) intelligent c) boring 11) She often tells me I look like a cow in my sweaters. She is ____ a) serious b) unkind c) intelligent

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