Letter of Recommendation - A written testimony from another person that states that an applicant is credible, Networking - The act of creating and building professional relationships to further your employment goals, Resume - A formal written profile that presents a person's knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience to potential employers, Power Words - Action verbs that describe your accomplishments in a lively and specific way, Cover Letter - A letter that introduces your résumé and details your interest in the position, Job-Specific Skills - Work skills that are directly related to a specific job or industry, Soft Skills - Interpersonal skills that are necessary when working with others in the workplace, Group Interview - An interview that involves several applicants interviewing with each other while being observed by company representatives, One-on-One Interview - Interview that involves an individual meeting between the applicant and a company representative, Panel Interview - Interview that involves the applicant meeting with several company managers at the same time, Structured Interview Question - Interview question that addresses job-related issues where each applicant is asked the same question, Unstructured Interview Question - Probing, open-ended interview question intended to identify if the candidate can appropriately sell his or her skills, Compensation - In the job market, a monetary payment given to an employee in exchange for their labor. Can be hourly wages or salary., Mock Interview - Conducting a practice interview before encountering the real thing, 401(k) - A tax-deferred investment and savings plan that acts as a personal retirement fund for employees in the PRIVATE sector. Employers may match funds contributed., Pension - A sum of money paid regularly by a company to someone who has retired, Traditional IRA - An individual retirement account that allows individuals to contribute pre-tax income to investments that grow tax-deferred until withdrawn., Roth IRA - An individual retirement account allowing a person to set aside after-tax income up to a specified amount each year. Earnings on the account and withdrawals are tax-free., Social Security - Federal program for retirees 62 and older to receive monthly income, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - U.S act that provides employees with up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave to care for family members or because of a serious health condition of the employee.,

Unit 2: Preparing for Employment & Your Professional Life

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