1) the ability to share the feelings of another a) slurp b) delivering c) sympathy d) decency 2) makes loud, shrill cries or sounds a) sympathy b) shrieks c) decency d) bulletin board 3) to eat or drink noisily a) slurp b) mournful c) injury d) shrieks 4) feeling, expressing or filled with grief or sorrow a) mournful b) bulletin board c) sympathy d) delivering 5) damage or harm done to a person or thing a) delivering b) decency c) bulletin board d) injury 6) taking or carrying something to a particular place or person a) sympathy b) slurp c) delivering d) injury 7) proper behavior as in speech, actions, or dress a) decency b) bulletin board c) delivering d) mournful 8) a board for posting notices, announcements, and pictures a) mournful b) sympathy c) bulletin board d) slurp

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